My Week Ahead - 18 July 2022

What have I been thinking/researching about?

If you read my last weeks plans then I was all over “Online Reviews”. Well, that took me deep into the weekend as well. I even posted a brief document with my thoughts on Saturday. I translated that doc into German and will post that separately as well.

This week, I want to get back into designing experiences. This is my key interest when talking to people about “building an online presense”. it must be designed not thrown together. Designing takes thought, planning, study and research. The “doing” of online is the easy part once the rest has been completed. That will be my week.

This week’s plans:

It will be a scorcher this week in Europe with us getting close to 40°C Tuesday. This will keep my travels a bit constricted. The online review packs are coming close to finished and will be sent out, I hope, next week. Fingers crossed. Thursday I will cycle over to a friends place for a coffee visit and that always includes talk about innovation. Half of the house here is in home office mode so that gets me motivated to cook beginning with a creamy pasta salad to be made today.

I wish you all a great week!

This week’s content:

  • Tuesday is of course #WfA and a went to the Drosselgasse! Not a place one would think I could work while there.

  • Wednesday is #Gram day with Jens of Choice Hacking explaining why you always, always order the Venti. Do you iknow why?

  • Friday I will be bringing together these thoughts on designing online experiences. Are all experiences designed? I tend to think so. Leave me a comment to challenge me!

Thank you(s) to:

I made it to 300 followers on Instagram! That makes me really excited. Yes, the numbers are small but I have had no strategy to my action on Instagram. Actually, I use Instagram as the back channel to all I do. If you want to see the what & where of the things I do, then IG is the place to follow me. You see things I cook, eat and places I visit both for work and just for fun.

Call to action:

If you are reading this and are not connected to me, please consider doing so. I mean, if you really don’t agree or like what I post then maybe it’s fine to ignore this. If you are subbed THANKS and think if there is someone you know who is starved for something to read. Thank you for being here.



I post every weekday.

I share what I have learned about the internet and how I use it.

I help businesses and organizations both small and large to get their online communications under control.

Any of that sound interesting?

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August 2022 Newsletter


My Week Ahead - 11 July 2022