My Week Ahead - 27 June 2022

What have I been thinking/researching about?

Coding = Typing // Programming = Writing

“Writing involves mental effort” // “Programs are built on ideas”

I just came across Leslie Lamport. Those of you who are into computer science or maths will likely know the name. I didn’t. There are many videos with him as he has been thinking, talking and sharing his brilliance for many decades. The quote above is from this video where he talks about the misunderstanding of getting young people to “code”. This has stuck with me for the last few weeks. Just being able to use a hammer doesn’t mean you can build a house. I am not a coder nor a programmer. I do use a few “no code” applications though. I always have the same challenge; how to make it? The blocks are all there. I have the idea. What order should the blocks be put in?

Developing those ideas into a story is the challenge. A program is like a story. It can be well written on not. Just being able to type these letters on the keyboard doesn’t mean this story will be interesting to anyone, right? Critical thinking and reflection are skills which need more attention. In today’s 15-second videos then swipe to the next world this is not going to get much airtime. That’s it. This has just been keeping my brain a bit busy this last week.

This week’s plans:

I am starting the new mini-job this week. It is once a month and only a few hours. I am looking forward to that. Also have some work being done on the house so I will be home more than last week and will get more done. At least that is the plan.

This week’s content:

  • Podcast went live on Monday

  • Tuesday is #WorkFromAnywhere day where I share my working while on a previous trip to Zurich.

  • I am loaning an e-cargo bike for a few days this week. It is a special group which makes them available FOR FREE. I’ll be writing about that this week.

  • Wednesday is an audiogram from my most recent podcast which was such a delight to re-listen to.

  • I didn’t get all the work done last week that I wanted. That must change!

Thank you(s) to:

I got a number of new followers on Instagram including a bakery in Bavaria. Maybe it has been all my bakery visits which caught their attention. Makes me think I need to visit them as well. thanks also to all the likes and shares across the platforms. It really helps me to spread the ideas.

Call to action:

If you are reading this and are not connected to me, please consider doing so. I mean, if you really don’t agree or like what I post then maybe it’s fine to ignore this. If you are subbed THANKS and think if there is someone you know who is starved for something to read. Thank you for being here.



July 2022 Newsletter


My Week Ahead - 20 June 2022